Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hey people of the Internet i am capiller and i have a blog for you. You know how ihops slogan is come hungry leave happy, well they've lied to you. First of all i have found a bug or whatever the crap it was in my drink 2 times, also their food is always cold. I'm just gonna put my foot down no pun intended and never come their again. Ihop gets an f--.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Oh! sugar a kid best friend. Lollipop's mints push pops pixi sicks, but theres one that tops them all and its sugar cookies, and luckily theres a place that makes them real good and that's McDonald's. Only a dollar and just a dollar gets you three sugar cookies, but after you had those you'll be begging your parents to buy some. McDonald's sugar cookies are the best sugary treats out there. Till then this is capiller and check you later.


Carls Jr. you have disappointed me, why because of your new disgusting fries. Those people on you commercial saying Wendy's natural cut fries with sea salt is yum yum good probably forced against their will to say they like the fries i mean you would have to be taped against a wall and two people holding your mouth open to eat those things. Wendy's how could you do me like this. Till then I'm capiller and keep on foodin, check you later.


Every Friday for my family is fff which is fast food Friday. A day where we go out to eat,"what a shocker". The place that we usually go out to is popeyes,"LOUISIANA FAST". My order is always the shrimptackel box. A takeout box that has shrimp, crispy fries and a biscuit, it sounds like a knock off from KFC but its not even close. The shrimp tackelbox is a must eat. Till the I'm capiller ,and keep on fooding.


Gumbo is probably the best food ever, its what i call the seafood dish. Its chopped full of soft vegetables like carrots okra and onions, also the seafood part of it shrimp, lobster, sausage,and even chicken wings. Thats all for today foodies, check you later.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hello people of the internet, it has been a long time since i have posted any blogs about food and yes i am still alive so dont worry. So listen to what i have for you guys 2 words cheese and cake. It may not make since to have cheese in a cake, but the cheesecake factory makes it make sense. Alot of people think that cheesecake has plain cheese and bread but there wrong. Its freaking cream cheese and its good trust me. This cheesecake is a must eat 5 forks up. Remember this blog is not diners drive ins and dines, if you liked the blog please follow me ill love you alot. !ADIOS!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Tuscani pasta, wow. It was so good and only 8 dollars for halve a box. Pizza Hut has really done it, but i haven't just heard of it now, its the first time I've ever tried it and i was blown away. But that's not what i wanted to talk about. I just got finished watching one of my favorite gaming commentators on YouTube goldglove and he was talking about crispy eminems, and believe it or not i have never heard of them.Now i just want eminems but i want all of my followers to subscribe to this dood, he is awesome and i want to see him get 100 subscribers. That's all for today peoples keep on foodin.